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The American Academy of Neurology has adopted a 5-year assessment cycle for its sub brands.
The rebranding process to this point was loosely defined and based on historical practices, resulting in lengthy development processes, resource strain, and no measurable gauge of user satisfaction.
We decided to adopt a approach I developed based on Design Thinking principles that helps us with meeting business goals while keeping the end-user at the forefront of every design decision. The remaining slides are of this process at-a-glance.
Stakeholder Interviews

Gathering requirements & Creating stakeholder relationship maps

Identifying & Framing
The Design Challenge

Gathering User Emotions&Crafting User Narratives

User-Centered Solutions

Ideation Concepting &Prototyping

Testing and Iteration

Refine Designs

During this step we revisited our challenge statement to make sure the designs are still aligned to the user's needs & wants

Presentation Time!